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File Format

File format is UTF-8 encoded text consisting of multiple sections, each with field definitions inside.

Suggested extension is .aaseq.


Each line can be commented out using hash character (#). If character appears unquoted in the middle of line, all characters after it will be ignored (i.e. mid-line comments are also supported).

All empty lines are ignored if they are not part of field value.

It is suggested that each file starts with shebang interpreter directive, e.g.:

#!/usr/bin/env aaseq


Each section is enclosed in square brackets ([]) and it can be one of the following kinds: Endpoint, Message, or Command. Any section content is case-insensitive.


Endpoint section controls the definition for each endpoint. All endpoints are processed in file order and should include Name and Plugin fields.

For example:

[Name: Plugin]

Name is the identifier used further in file for given endpoint. It must start with a letter and it can contain letters, numbers, and underscore character.

Plugin is an optional field specifying which protocol plugin is to be used. If not specified, it will be assumed to be the same as Name. Plugin must start with a letter and it can contain letters, numbers, and underscore character.

Special endpoint "Me" signifies application itself. If it's not defined, it will be automatically added.


Message section has definition of each outgoing or incoming message. It contains Source, Direction, Destination, and Message.

All the following entries are valid message definitions:

[> Destination Message]
[< Destination Message]
[Source > Destination Message]
[Source < Destination Message]

Source identifies the first endpoint for a message. It must match the Name of the previously defined endpoint. If source is omitted, endpoint Me is assumed to be a source. If neither Source nor Destination are Me endpoint, there will be no action for the message.

Direction can be either outgoing (>) or incoming (<).

Destination identifies the second endpoint for a message. It must match the Name of previously defined endpoint and cannot be omitted.

Message is the name of message and it's dependant on protocol definition. If destination is "Me" or protocol supports only one message type, message can be omitted. It must start with a letter and it can contain letters, numbers, dash, and underscore character.


Command section executes builtin commands without any external communication.

The following entry is example of valid definition.


Command is prefixed with exclamation point (!). Command must start with a letter and it can contain letters, numbers, and underscore character.


Each section can contain fields if additional information is necessary. Basic field is a key/value pair, using colon as a separator, e.g.:

Key: Value

Key must start with a letter and it can contain letters, numbers, dash, and underscore character. Anything after colon (:) is considered to be a value.

If field contains sub-fields, they are to be listed under key with a higher indentation level. E.g.:

    Subfields1: SubValue1
    Subfields2: SubValue2

Multiline strings can be added in manner similar to Yaml. When using literal | as a value, lines below will be taken as they are with their indentation removed. A single new line will be part of resulting string, e.g.

Key: |
    Line 1
    Line 2

If new line at the end of the string is not needed, one can use |-. If one wants to keep all line endings, one can use |+.

If there's need for additional information, each key can include tag entries. Tags must start with a letter and they can contain letters, numbers, and underscore character. Multiple tags are separated by space.

System tags will additionally have at sign (@) as a prefix, e.g.:

Key [@tag]: Value

There cannot be multiple tags with the same name (including the system tags).

Data Types

Each fields will auto-detect its data type. However, if data type has to be forced, one can use system tags. The following types are supported:

Data type .NET data type Tag Example value
Boolean Boolean @bool true
Int8 SByte @int8 42
Int16 Int16 @int16 42
Int32 Int32 @int32 42
Int64 Int64 @int64 42
Int64 Int64 @int 42
UInt8 Byte @uint8 42
UInt16 UInt16 @uint16 42
UInt32 UInt32 @uint32 42
UInt64 UInt64 @uint64 42
UInt64 UInt64 @uint 42
Float16 Half @float16 42.0
Float32 Single @float32 42.0
Float64 Double @float64 42.0
Float64 Double @float 42.0
DateTime DateTimeOffset @datetime 2021-01-02T03:04:05 1621824203
Date DateOnly @date 2021-01-02
Time TimeOnly @time 03:04:05
Duration TimeSpan @duration 1d
String String @string Text
Binary Byte[] @binary 4C6F7265 6D206970 73756D
Binary Byte[] @binary @base64 TG9yZSBpcHN1bQ==
IPAddress IPAddress @ip 2001:db8::/32
IPAddressv4 IPAddress @ipv4
IPAddressv6 IPAddress @ipv6 2001:db8::/32
IPEndpoint IPEndPoint @ep [2001:db8::]:443
IPEndpointv4 IPEndPoint @epv4
IPEndpointv6 IPEndPoint @epv6 [2001:db8::]:443


Unless otherwise noted, strings variables can be enclosed in either single or double quotes.

Single Quotes

If single quotes are used, all characters inside are taken as is until the next single quote occurs. If two single quotes appear next to each other, this will result in a single quote character being present. Special characters are not expanded.

Here are a few examples:

Quoted text Results
'Single "double" quote' Single "double" quote
'I''m escaped' I'm escaped

Double Quotes

Double quotes allow for a more rich escaping. Each escape sequence starts with backslash (\) and can be seen as

Description Character Escape
BEL (alert) 0x07 \a
BS (backspace) 0x08 \b
HT (tab) 0x09 \t
LF (line feed) 0x0A \n
VT (vertical tab) 0x0B \v
FF (form feed) 0x0C \f
CR (carriage return) 0x0C \r
ESC (escape) 0x1B \e
Dollar sign $ \$
Quotation mark " \"
Backslash \ \\
ASCII character \x##
Unicode character (16-bit) \u####
Unicode character (32-bit) \U########

In addition to these, it's not necessary to escape the following characters but their escape sequences are supported.

Description Character Escape
Apostrophe ' \'
Question mark ? \?

Within double quotes, one can also include a reference to other variables using $ character followed by variable name, e.g.: